In itself it's a good thing, a process of evolution from one title to the next. Now people may consider that a harsh thing to say, as veterans of the series will know that that's nothing new in the series and in fact most of the games current features, vehicles & units have all had previous lives all the way back to the aforementioned 'Soldiers'. Firstly the game is virtually a copy paste from the 'Vanilla' Men of War game. Having been a big Men of War fan and enthusiastic modder ever since 'Soldiers Heroes of WW2' and subsequent games all unusually having Having been a big Men of War fan and enthusiastic modder ever since 'Soldiers Heroes of WW2' and subsequent games all unusually having different titles yet sharing a great deal in common in game engine and style of game play, I was rather surprised by the final result of Men of War: Assault Squad. It features one of the single-player skirmish maps and will give you a great sense of what Men of War Assault Squad is all about. It seems to be a left over relic from the earlier Men of War games which were based more on small squad oriented gameplay (like the Commando's series.) Final Thoughts: What 1C was able to create here is a truly impressive feat and I highly recommend at least giving the demo a try. Really, its too complex and tedious for a real-time strategy game on this scale.

Probably its only true weakness is the game suffers from some unnecessarily complex resupply mechanics. In that sense it can be considered a more of a multi-player centric experience (either against other humans coop with friend(s) against the AI or you taking on a single AI solo). Doesn't feature a true single player narrative campaign, but rather a "skirmish" game-mode when it comes to single-player.

Comes with a decent but far from perfect user-interface. Not here! - Features extremely impressive cover based (best I've ever seen), destruction, and combat systems superior to its direct competitor (Company of Heroes) with a graphical engine that can be considered its equal if not greater due to a more pleasing zoomed out camera in Men of War.

Very refreshing since most RTS games on the market tend to boil down to a simple blob-based brute force combat system. Quick Summary: - Tactical, strategic, detailed, complex, challenging, and realistic style of game-play where battles actually feel like war, troops feel like individual soldiers, and you will feel like a great general coordinating it all. Who Men of War: Assault Squad is best suited for: - World War 2 enthusiasts who enjoy a more immersive gameplay experience players who find Who Men of War: Assault Squad is best suited for: - World War 2 enthusiasts who enjoy a more immersive gameplay experience players who find Company of Heroes to be way too casual and PC Strategy gamers who aren't afraid of a challenge.